With thanks to Diana Henderson for the pic and great details of those in it:
Taken at PFA (Presbyterian Fellowship of Australia) social, at the Presbyterian hall in Simpson St Tumut, in 1959. Looks like it was in the winter months.
PFA held many social events, including a memorable night when Dr and Mrs Mckenzie taught us all to do Scottish dances..
Photographer: Ted Shai-Hee
This social had a ‘bad taste’ theme ……
Left to right back row
Judy Brown. Bill Hassett. Jan Miller. ? Wally White. Bruce Elder. Bruce Baker. ? Rosetta
Front row
Noeline Anderson. Annette McCausland. Helen Cork. Roslyn Day. . ? ? Jeanette McDonald . Dorothy Cribb.
Roslyn Day and her family were our neighbours in the late 1950’s. I think we lived in Dalhunty St and they lived behind us, in a street that was perpendicular to ours.