Thanks to Doug McDiarmid for the pictures and descriptions (click on the pictures for the full-sized versions):
Big storm-flood about 75/76 in Tumut area. Series of photos. This one (pretty sure!) is out the Blowering Road, around the area for the Wilkinson property (near the turn-off for the dam wall). Too long ago, and no detail on pic.
This one from a little lower on Dalhunty Street (Carey St junction just there I believe) overlooking the Adelong Road – Gocup Road area. Too long ago, and no detail on pic.
This one from up Dalhunty Street hill overlooking the Adelong Road – Gocup Road area.
This one (I think!) also from up on top of Dalhunty Street hill overlooking the Adelong Road – Gocup Road area
Enjoy all these special pics…brings back lots of memories
The Carey / dalhunty st junction is actually dalhunty / Clarke. If you drive down dalhunty st and cross Clarke st you will recognise the bend in the street.