Thanks to Glen Ward for this find via the University of Newcastle Library of Oddy’s Bridge which connected East and West Blowering (click on picture for full-sized version):
Discussion on our Facebook page estimates the date of the picture as pre-1917, when there was a wash-out of the bridge.
Good pic!! Long before my time but v interesting ….

Great Pic cant believe around 1915 the high poles would be telegraph? I dont recall any electricity in the early 1940’s and 50s perhaps early 60’s? as our family farm stood until the Dam came, road in foreground is the East Blowering Road later Snowy Mountains Highway it led on to Brandy Marys, East Blowering Hall,Rolfe Bridles,
Halloran and Frank Bourke Properties and on to Talbingo Kiandra etc.
Further to my previous comment this section of road was closed late 60’s other than being used as a service road for Commission vehicles would like to hear more from the other Halloran boys Peter and Robert. Cheers