Courtesy of Peter Butler, the approximate time this was taken is 1930s:
Drawing in hay at Bombowlee where Jack Butler lives.
David Alston on the stack, Joseph (Jack)Thomas Butler, William (Bill) Clarence Butler holding whip.
Photo from the collection of the late Margaret Mitchell
What a great pic! How is Nanette??
Enjoyed many delicious jars of fig jam made by Mrs Thelma Young from figs at Butler’s farm…Doon family and Percy & Myrtle Sutton were neighbours at other end Butler’s Lane. The Doons had a small piggery , with Eric, Bob, Ted and John knowing how to prepare cuts of pork for roast dinners and curing their own bacon…. Bob’s was declared the top piece of bacon.. . The poultry farm included a number of geese which included one or two hissing and chasing younger siblings around the farm….quite frightening! Wonder if that figtree still there? Also a huge walnut tree on the Doon farm?? The lagoon on the lower part of the farm always flooded during winter and the lane was impassable for weeks until the water subsided. Elm Ave leading to race course always flooded during winter too in 1930s to early 1940s and I can remember the Crowe family used to have a tinny handy to row the family out of the flood to school and shopping. Great memories of Tumut and Bombowlee.