Colin Banwell and Bettina Kell at Young Anglicans Christmas ball, 1963. Thanks to Graham Spencer for the picture.
Camp Hudson – 1960s
Four great pictures from Graham Spencer showing a Young Anglicans event at Camp Hudson in the mid-1960s. Feel free to comment on any further recollections you have if you were there. (Click on pictures to enlarge)
Young Anglicans Opposite Sex Party
Courtesy of Graham: Bettina Spencer and Fred Sturt at Young Anglicans Opposite Sex party in 1960s.
1959 Tumut YA Deb Ball
With thanks to Diana Henderson for the following picture and description: This was taken on the 23.10.59. It was at the Y.A. Deb ball Left to right Anne Millar. Judy Curll. Lyn Stephens. Val Davies. Margaret Crampton. Sylvia Bradley. June Curll. Anne Lubke. Jan Marks. Helen Wade. Evelyn Baker. Diana Brown.